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Tips For Choosing The Perfect Epitaph

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Epitaph

When it comes to planning ahead for yourself or making arrangements for a loved one who has passed away, finding the perfect epitaph can be a challenge.

Here are a few tips to aid you in choosing just the right words for a heartfelt, meaningful epitaph for yourself or someone special in your life.

Choose an epitaph that reflects the person's character

What qualities about this person are most unique and most cherished by friends and family members? You can list a few of these character qualities in order to craft a touching epitaph. For example,

  • "We will miss your sense of humor and zest for life."
  • "You were a loving and loyal friend."

Epitaphs based on a person's best character qualities can bring precious memories to their loved ones.

Choose an epitaph that reflects the person's spiritual beliefs

Often spiritual epitaphs can be a great comfort to friends and family and point them away from the sorrow of death to the hope of the hereafter.

Biblical verses or quotes from religious literature can make a powerful choice for an epitaph message. Here are some popular Biblical quote epitaphs:

  • "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1
  • "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live." John 11:25
  • "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7
  • "Absent from the body...present with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8

Some other spiritual quotes that people sometimes use as epitaphs are as follows:

  • "I'm now walking with the Lord."
  • "Safe in the arms of Jesus."
  • "God called me home."

These words of spiritual comfort can bring encouragement and hope to loved ones in their time of grief.

Choose an epitaph that reflects the person's interests

Was the deceased person passionate about some hobby or interest? That passion may be a great reminder of their personality to include in an epitaph.

You could mention something about their love for that hobby as a way of remembering this activity the deceased greatly enjoyed. For example,

  • "Hiking in Heaven"
  • "Gone Fishing"

Hobby-related epitaphs can comfort loved ones with happy memories of the deceased engaging in their favorite activities.

Choose an epitaph that reflects the person's relationships

Lastly, you can include some of the deceased loved ones' special relationships with family, friends, or coworkers. For example,

  • "Sharon was a beloved mother and grandmother."
  • "Aaron was a dedicated husband, father, and teacher."

Memorializing a person's personal or work relationships is a way of drawing attention to how much they meant to those who loved them and how very much they will be missed.

Choosing the perfect epitaph can be hard, but by focusing on the deceased's character, beliefs, hobbies and relationships you can craft an epitaph that will help this special person's memory live on in the hearts and lives of all who loved them.

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